Papers and presentations

Virtual Observatory: What the heck is this about?
Paula Coelho, on behalf of BRAVO
Talk given at "Seminários de Astroinformática do IAG/USP", São Paulo SP, May/2015

Virtual Observatory: an Astronomy Answer to Big Data
Paula Coelho, on behalf of BRAVO
Talk given at "I Workshop sobre Ciência de Dados do IAG/USP", São Paulo SP, 10/Apr/2015

The Virtual Observatory and BRAVO
Alberto Krone-Martins, on behalf of BRAVO
Talk given at "XXXVII REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SAB", Águas de Lindóia SP, 17/Oct/2012

The Brazilian Virtual Observatory - a new paradigm for astronomy
R. R. de Carvalho, R. R. Gal, H. F. de Campos Velho, H. V. Capelato, F. La Barbera, E. C. Vasconcellos, R. S. R. Ruiz, J.L. Kohl-Moreira, P. A. A. Lopes and M. Soares-Santos
Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences (2010) 1(3): 187-206

BRAVO 2007: Lectures on Virtual Observatory
by Prof. S. George Djorgovski (Caltech)
Lectures given at INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos, July 2007